Placed in Care

New permanent exhibition – for both youth/adults and children aged 8-12

On display throughout 2024

The exhibition is divided into two sections – one for youth/adults and one for children aged 8-12.

The theme for both exhibitions is to tell the story of children in out of home are from 1890 to the present day.

Over the past 150 years, 150,000 Danish children have been – or are now – placed outside their homes in orphanages, institutions, or foster families. These stories are mostly told by the public welfare system and are rarely told by the children themselves.

”PLACED IN CARE” gives the children (some of whom are now adults) the opportunity to tell their touching life stories and experiences through interviews, archival materials, and very personal items.

The result is a powerful and highly visual exhibition that emotionally engages the audience and provides them with new insights into the complex issue.

Shortlisted 2024

”PLACED IN CARE” is nominated in the category of “International Exhibition of the Year” by the “Museum +Heritage Award”. It’s the museum world’s equivalent of an Oscar.

At the ceremony on May 15th in London the exhibition was “Highly Commend” and the jury said:

“One incredible project”

“A first-class exhibition which was moving, inclusive and genuinely collaborative” 

“An incredible exhibition at an incredible museum, doing an incredible job!”

Thank you

The exhibition is supported by the Aage and Johanne Louis-Hansen Foundation, Augustinus Foundation, Knud Højgaard Foundation, and Ole Kirk’s Foundation.

The exhibition designed by Torden & Lynild and it was created in close collaboration with people who have been or still is in out-of-home care and De Anbragtes Vilkår (The Foster Care Children’s Union).

The exhibition’s films were created by Goodwill Film and the graphic design by GRAFlab, Lystek Aps handled AV and lighting design, and Kurtzweil Interior and Exhibitions built the entire exhibition.